Systemic Constellations are an experiential (not experimental) way to work with energies that show up in our lives a variety of ways. This format can be used to uncover hidden or unwritten rules that can be interfering with our lives, families, organizations, businesses, communities and cultures in which we are a part of.
Who can attend a constellation?
If you are interested in personal growth, transformational experiences, and creating a deeper awareness of life, then you may want to check out our next constellation evening.
No experience, special training, or any previous knowledge is required to attend. The facilitator will describe what to expect, leading the client, participants, and observers through the whole experience.
How long are the constellations and how many can attend?
Constellations usually run an hour to an hour and a half. Please plan on arriving a 10 – 15 minutes early so that we can start on time. We do not want to interrupt the constellation once it starts.
How much is it to have a constellation?
It is usually free to attend or participate in constellations that I facilitate. If you are interested in becoming a client or having a constellation done for you, please contact us for pricing.
How do I sign up or attend a constellation?
Please join the Meetup group called San Diego Systemic and Family Costellations at I post the dates and times to that group. Alternatively you can call or send me a quick email letting me know you are interested.